<b> Water Needs: </b> Keep soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Ghost Peppers require regular watering, especially during flowering and fruiting. Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings to avoid root rot. </br></br>
<b> Sunlight Needs: </b> Full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily). Ghost Peppers need ample sunlight to thrive and produce heat-rich peppers. </br></br>
<b> Time to Germinate: </b> 14-21 days. </br></br>
<b> Seed Soaking: </b> Soak seeds overnight before planting to enhance germination rates. </br></br>
<b> Tray/Pot Recommendations: </b> Start seeds in seed trays or small pots with good drainage. Transplant seedlings to larger pots or directly into the garden once they are strong enough and the weather is warm. </br></br>
<b> Space Requirements: </b> Space plants 45-60 centimeters apart to allow for proper growth and airflow. The plants can spread out and need room to grow. </br></br>
<b> Temperature Requirements: </b> Optimal growing temperatures range from 24-30°C. </br></br>
<b> Best Growing Season: </b> Grow Ghost Peppers year-round in tropical climates like Thailand. </br></br>
<b> Time to Harvest: </b> 90-120 days from planting. Harvest peppers when they have reached their full size and color. For the best heat, allow them to fully ripen on the plant. </br></br>